Sunday, October 6, 2013

CVS Shopping trip Oct 4-5th

I am finally posting this. Bare with me my blog is new but I am trying to post for every shopping trip that I do. So this was a 2 day trip but only because I was not prepared and didnt bring all my coupons with me. Rule #1 dont leave home without them,  but it was worth it and I was going out anyways. One thing that I read a lot about extreme shopping is that people say that you spend more money on gas from store to store or you spend more on printing of coupons. I will have to say in my case I disagree. I drive by most of these stores on my way around Santee daily. And well I only print coupons that are high value or that I cant get in the paper. That was my little bit on that part of couponing. Now for this trip here is the break down... After this post since so many people are interested in how I did it I will start listing where I got the coupons as well. I am the crazy woman that downloaded the app on her phone she could print coupons from there too. CVS is where I got all this stuff. Day 1 the deals were Tide 19-32 load detergent sale price $5.94. 2 Pantene products for $7.00 and Dawn Soap for $.97 cents. I know what your thinking one why is there a Dove shampoo there. I grabbed that too and added the wrong on to the picture haha just pretend that is my 8th Pantene product. And two I said I paid $1.37 for each item and the Dawn was on sale for $.97 cents. I always break it down by an item as an average to show the savings as a whole. So This is what I bought.. Tide 4x $5.94 and Pantene 4x $3.50 and Dawn 2x $.97 Totals  $39.70 Coupons I used 4  of the $2.00 off Tide. I used  2 of the buy one get one free Pantene saving me $ 3.50 each and I used 2 of the $ .50 off Dawn. Saving  $16.00. Now $39.70-16.00=23.70  10 items 2.37 each plus the other part of the sale was if you spent $20.00 on Tide and Pantene you got $5.00 CVS Extra Care Bucks back. so I got $11.00 Extra Care Bucks. I consider that as money in my pocket. I spend out of pocket $23.70 but I have $11.00 just like cash for my next trip. Day 2 trip I bought the same items but I had different coupons this time... Tide 4x $5.94 and Pantene 4x $3.50 and Dawn 2x $.97 Totals  $39.70. Coupons I used 1 of the $5.00 off when you buy 3 tide and 1 of the $2.00 off Tide. I used  2 of the buy one get one free Pantene saving me $ 3.50 each and I used 2 of the $ .50 off Dawn.This was a $39.70 total but the coupons came to $15.00 this time so $39.70-$15.00= 24.70 plus I used my $11.00 care bucks from the day before. That brought my total to $13.70 and I got another $10.00 care bucks.  So out of pocket was $13.70 but if you take away the $10.00 in care bucks that is $3.70 added to my $23.70 the day before bringing the total to $27.40 for all 20 items and that breaks down to $1.37 each item. So how was that? Was it explained okay? I will get better as I keep posting and I look forward to your feedback.
TIP #1 The Dollar Store sells the Sunday Paper on Saturday for $1.00.. but look through it to make sure coupons are there. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Walgreen's Shopping Trip Sunday 09/15

My trip today was to Walgreen's. Walgreen's has a great rewards program where if you buy an item that gives you Rewards Points. Those points add up and can be turned into dollars.  The best part is they can be used on the same day same shopping trip just different transaction. So my first transaction was the sale on Cheerios. If you bought 3 boxes then you got 3000 bonus points. Regular price for Honey Nut Cheerios is $4.49 a box.  The sale price is 3 boxes for $8.00. I had a coupon for $1.00 off one box of Honey Nut Cheerios. I used 3 coupons bringing my total to $5.00 dollars out of pocket with 3000 points added to my account. The next transaction was with cereal again. They have a deal on Kellogg Pop-tarts and Kellogg Cereals. Regular price for the cereal is $4.59 and Sale price with their rewards card is $1.67 for this week. I had coupons that were for $1.00 off one box of Kellogg Cereal bring the cost to .67 cents a box.. Now that is a great deal. Since you can use up to 4 like coupons per shopping trip I used all four. Then Pop-tarts are also on sale for $1.67 each and regular price on those is $3.29. I had a coupon for pop-tarts savings of .70 cents off one box of pop-tarts. That brought each box down to .97 cents a box. My total on the second transaction was $6.56 and I opted to use my 3000 points from my first transaction which took $3.00 off the total bringing down to $3.56. Total out of pocket for the entire trip was $8.56. My total trip is 11 items (4 boxes of Pop-tarts and 7 boxes of Cereal) Each item costing me .77 cents. Couponing in California is harder then in other states but If I can get items for under a dollar I am happy with that and that is what I consider as stock up item. :)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Free Kindle eBooks

Let's admit we all like the word free and today I stumbled across a ton of Kindle eBooks for FREE! I was one happy girl until I realized wait I dont have a Kindle I have a Nexus 7 tablet. Then I found out that didnt matter. You can download the Kindle for Android App and use it as a kindle.You can click on the picture at the top of this post to get your free kindle reading app. :) Here are a few of the books that I added to my tablet with my 6 year old in mind. She is the one that gets bored when we are in the car or sitting at a Soccer practice and now she can be doing something constructive that will keep her happy and busy.
Get your free books soon because Amazon prices can change and they may not be free for long.

Summertime Winding Down

I cant believe how slow July went and then BAM August hit and its like the count down to school starting begins. All these things rush into my head as I know I better make a check list so that I wont forget anything when it comes to the first day of school. I dont know about you but I cant remember anything these days and a good TO DO LIST really helps me out. I like mine big so that you can just cross off as you go and see the progress your making. :) Recently I wanted to give an online to do list a try and I found one that seems to work well. And the plus side is there is an APP for it so I can use it on my phone too. My phone is beginning to be an attachment of my hand with all the things I can do to make life a little less hectic. You can check out their Facebook page HERE for more information. I am just getting the hang of it, but seems to be pretty user friendly so far. I am planning which could really mean anything in my house, to have my To-Do list done by August 26th.. Then that will be the week of putting the kids to bed earlier and earlier each night to get them back into the swing of things. We will see how that goes and I am sure you will hear much more about that. Lets just say my 6 year old has taken the term night owl to a whole new level. On that note I better get some cleaning done before hurricane 6 yr old wakes up only to make it messy again. :)